Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Amazing Yarn Bomb

I just had to share this link from my Aunt who works in Newcastle upon Tyne.  It is from an article in the Mail Online (Daily Mail) in the UK.
It isn't just the most amazing example of Yarn Bombing I have ever seen, but a fantastic design talent at work.
I hope you enjoy it.

2012! The artwork is exquisitely detailed, with cute touches such as the stitched 2012 flag shown here

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Worth Seeing

If you are in Brisbane between the 22nd and 25th of March you might like to try & find some time to see this exhibition, Beneath the Southern Sky.

Detail of Mel Forrest's work in 'Beneath a Southern Sky'

It is on at the Craft & Sewing Show - so plenty of other stuff to see as well, including a Restyling section.
I know a couple of the artists and you will find their links on the side bar.
Mel Forrest is a member of my quilt group and I know Sue Dennis from when I used to attend Qld Quilters.
I'm sure you will enjoy it if you can get along.